Previous Curatorial Projects

August 19, 2023
The Residency Project
Pasadena, CA

co-curated with David Badesch

Liquid Matter takes a pulse on what thoughts, themes, images, and soundscapes are currently occupying the collective unconscious of eight regional artists: gene aguilar magaña, Shanthal Caba Mojica, Jean Hsi, Mariah Anne Johnson, Ibuki Kuramochi, Terri Lloyd, Olga Mikolaivna, and Ruoyi Shi. The title of the show, Liquid Matter, is intended as a poetic encapsulation of a feeling rather than as a sequence of words to be interpreted literally. While many of the artworks do contain references to water (a subject that is deeply, locally relevant), other concepts unfold and diverge. Place. Home. Kinship. Corporeality. Connection. This ephemeral artist collective will coalesce for a screening of their works to see what spills forth, what evaporates, and what coagulates.

May 15–31, 2021
Various locations in/between\around/beyond Minneapolis, MN

July 1–August 31, 2021
Various location in/between\around/beyond Los Angeles, CA


Featuring 35 artists from across the United States and abroad, Interstice was an evolving and itinerant exhibition exploring the theme of interstices*: “in-between” spaces, moments, identities, ideologies, and states of being or perceiving.

Interstice began in May 2021 as a short-run exhibition featuring artist books, small sculptures, and sensorial installations. This experimental curatorial and catalogue project later expanded to include many more artists presenting work in expanded media including video, performance, net art, and social practice. Interstice activated space at Franconia Sculpture Park (Shafer, MN), Focus Arts (Minneapolis, MN), The Residency Project (Pasadena, CA), and MOTOR (Los Angeles, CA).

Interpretation Board
April 2020 – April 2021
200 E. Washington Blvd. 91103

Carlos Rene Castro, Untitled, 2020

Jen Bloomer – activist-art
Kerstin Bruchhäuser – interdisciplinary
Carlos Rene Castro – photography
Cameron Harris – film
Vincent Hernandez & Clay Hillenburg – interdisciplinary/sound
Margeaux Walter – photography
Eileen Wold – painting & installation
Shan Wu & Drew Cavicchi – interdisciplinary

The Interpretation Board project was a year-long interventionist curatorial project featuring rotating artworks that activated a blank interpretation board located in a small public park on the northwest side of Pasadena, California. For this exhibition, ten artists were invited to imagine what visual, textual, and tactile information should be presented by the board and its surrounding environment. By extension, the public park became a site for collective meaning-making and storytelling, with each participating artist contributing to the narrative.

Art installations responded to the unique parameters of the site and addressed themes that are relevant locally and beyond. Artists were encouraged to approach the Interpretation Board project from a variety of formal, aesthetic, and conceptual perspectives. Installations touched on a broad range of subject matter including geography, borders, the climate crisis, nature vs. built environments, public vs. private land use, current events, identity politics, the immigrant experience, and more.

Behind the Mask
January 22 – March 13, 2021
Angels Gate Cultural Center

Ashley Johnson, Sestina 2, 2016

Jack Black
Skount Garcia
Ashley Johnson
Alicia Piller

The mask has a rich global history. Over millennia, nearly all materials have been employed in the making of masks, including stone, wood, clay, leather, metal, cloth, paper, plastic, glass, paint, and makeup. From the world’s earliest known masks—which date back 9,000 years to prehistoric times before the invention of written language—to Ancient Egyptian, Roman, Mayan, and African death masks; from early 1600s Japanese Kabuki theater masks to modern-day Halloween masks, humans have been compelled to cover their faces, taking on new identities whether human, animal, or spiritual. This deeply rooted impulse and the universal significance of the mask prevail in contemporary culture. 

Behind the Mask calls into investigation the role of the mask in 21st-century artistic explorations and understandings of race, gender, sexuality, mythology, histories, and futures. Behind the Mask brings diverse artists into dialogue with one another, transgressing physical borders and the boundaries between folk art and fine art. The artists in this exhibition were selected based on the centrality of the mask in their unique aesthetic lexicons, as well as for the distinct conceptual perspectives they bring to the mask as a tool for ancestral remembrance and as an icon of contemporary identity politics.

Casa Duno
curatorial collaboration with Cameron DuBois (2011-2014)
Chicago, IL


Intuitive Trainings: Selected Works by Veronica Bruce
Revisiting Undomesticated, Design Cloud Gallery
Amulets and Heirlooms, 2nd Floor Rear
Cross Sections, West Town Street Lab
Prescribed Meanings, 2nd Floor Rear
Undomesticated, Milwaukee Avenue Arts Festival

Saul Aguirre and Enid Muñoz, Kayla Anderson, Brian Bailey, Brooke Barnett, Veronica Bruce Woodward, Adam Farcus, David Fox, Jane Jerardi, Hyeon Jung Kim, Marissa Lee Benedict & Sabri Reed, Nora Maité Nieves, Ben Murray, Tim Noll, Paul Richter & Hoyun Son, Sebura&Gartelmann, Matthew Schlagbaum, Eileen Tull

Performative Interventions
O.T.C., 2012

hybridentities: works from the Joan Flasch Artists’ Book Collection
Chicago, IL

co-curated with Anqi Chen


Artists (Artwork Title, JFABC Accession Number)
Reinhart Buttner (Reflektorium : ein graphisches traktat, 117.83)
Contemporary Arts Council (Constructed self: who do you think you are? [exhibition catalogue], ABR TR655 .C65 1998)
Mike Crane (Fill in this Space, 18.5)
Shawna Dempsey (In the life : portrait of a modern sex-deviant, 20.86)
Karen Holden (Behind My Own Disguise, 83.7)
Myungah Hyon ([Untitled], 2.25)
Janfamily (You like me, 7.90)
Thuy Ngo ([Untitled], Z0.9)
Do-Ho Suh (Norton Family Christmas Project 2004, Z17.2) *pictured